
sam2lca generates:

  • a JSON file

  • a CSV file

  • (optionally), a BAM alignment file with the XT tag set to the NCBI Taxonomy IDs computed by the LCA.


A JSON file with NCBI Taxonomy IDs as keys.

  • name: scientific name of the taxon

  • rank: taxonomic rank of the taxon

  • count_taxon: number of reads mapping to the taxon

  • count_descendant: total number of reads belonging to the descendants of the taxon

  • lineage: taxonomic lineage of the taxon


    "1": {
        "name": "root",
        "rank": "no rank",
        "count_taxon": 0,
        "count_descendant": 2875,
        "lineage": {}
    "2": {
        "name": "Bacteria",
        "rank": "superkingdom",
        "count_taxon": 0,
        "count_descendant": 2875,
        "lineage": {
            "superkingdom": "Bacteria"
    "543": {
        "name": "Enterobacteriaceae",
        "rank": "family",
        "count_taxon": 2152,
        "count_descendant": 2875,
        "lineage": {
            "family": "Enterobacteriaceae",
            "order": "Enterobacterales",
            "class": "Gammaproteobacteria",
            "phylum": "Proteobacteria",
            "superkingdom": "Bacteria"
    "561": {
        "name": "Escherichia",
        "rank": "genus",
        "count_taxon": 0,
        "count_descendant": 385,
        "lineage": {
            "genus": "Escherichia",
            "family": "Enterobacteriaceae",
            "order": "Enterobacterales",
            "class": "Gammaproteobacteria",
            "phylum": "Proteobacteria",
            "superkingdom": "Bacteria"
    "562": {
        "name": "Escherichia coli",
        "rank": "species",
        "count_taxon": 0,
        "count_descendant": 385,
        "lineage": {
            "species": "Escherichia coli",
            "genus": "Escherichia",
            "family": "Enterobacteriaceae",
            "order": "Enterobacterales",
            "class": "Gammaproteobacteria",
            "phylum": "Proteobacteria",
            "superkingdom": "Bacteria"
    "620": {
        "name": "Shigella",
        "rank": "genus",
        "count_taxon": 0,
        "count_descendant": 338,
        "lineage": {
            "genus": "Shigella",
            "family": "Enterobacteriaceae",
            "order": "Enterobacterales",
            "class": "Gammaproteobacteria",
            "phylum": "Proteobacteria",
            "superkingdom": "Bacteria"
    "622": {
        "name": "Shigella dysenteriae",
        "rank": "species",
        "count_taxon": 0,
        "count_descendant": 338,
        "lineage": {
            "species": "Shigella dysenteriae",
            "genus": "Shigella",
            "family": "Enterobacteriaceae",
            "order": "Enterobacterales",
            "class": "Gammaproteobacteria",
            "phylum": "Proteobacteria",
            "superkingdom": "Bacteria"
    "1224": {
        "name": "Proteobacteria",
        "rank": "phylum",
        "count_taxon": 0,
        "count_descendant": 2875,
        "lineage": {
            "phylum": "Proteobacteria",
            "superkingdom": "Bacteria"
    "1236": {
        "name": "Gammaproteobacteria",
        "rank": "class",
        "count_taxon": 0,
        "count_descendant": 2875,
        "lineage": {
            "class": "Gammaproteobacteria",
            "phylum": "Proteobacteria",
            "superkingdom": "Bacteria"
    "83333": {
        "name": "Escherichia coli K-12",
        "rank": "strain",
        "count_taxon": 0,
        "count_descendant": 385,
        "lineage": {
            "strain": "Escherichia coli K-12",
            "species": "Escherichia coli",
            "genus": "Escherichia",
            "family": "Enterobacteriaceae",
            "order": "Enterobacterales",
            "class": "Gammaproteobacteria",
            "phylum": "Proteobacteria",
            "superkingdom": "Bacteria"
    "91347": {
        "name": "Enterobacterales",
        "rank": "order",
        "count_taxon": 0,
        "count_descendant": 2875,
        "lineage": {
            "order": "Enterobacterales",
            "class": "Gammaproteobacteria",
            "phylum": "Proteobacteria",
            "superkingdom": "Bacteria"
    "131567": {
        "name": "cellular organisms",
        "rank": "no rank",
        "count_taxon": 0,
        "count_descendant": 2875,
        "lineage": {}
    "300267": {
        "name": "Shigella dysenteriae Sd197",
        "rank": "strain",
        "count_taxon": 338,
        "count_descendant": 338,
        "lineage": {
            "strain": "Shigella dysenteriae Sd197",
            "species": "Shigella dysenteriae",
            "genus": "Shigella",
            "family": "Enterobacteriaceae",
            "order": "Enterobacterales",
            "class": "Gammaproteobacteria",
            "phylum": "Proteobacteria",
            "superkingdom": "Bacteria"
    "511145": {
        "name": "Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655",
        "rank": "no rank",
        "count_taxon": 385,
        "count_descendant": 385,
        "lineage": {
            "strain": "Escherichia coli K-12",
            "species": "Escherichia coli",
            "genus": "Escherichia",
            "family": "Enterobacteriaceae",
            "order": "Enterobacterales",
            "class": "Gammaproteobacteria",
            "phylum": "Proteobacteria",
            "superkingdom": "Bacteria"


Rows: Taxons


  • TAXID: NCBI taxonomy ID

  • name: Name of the taxon

  • rank: Taxonomic rank

  • count_taxon: number of reads mapping to the taxon

  • count_descendant: number of reads belonging to the descendants of the taxon

  • lineage: Taxonomic lineage of this taxon, each taxonomic level being separated by a - sign.

| TAXID  | name                                      | rank         | count_taxon | count_descendant | lineage                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| 1      | root                                      | no rank      | 0           | 2875             |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
| 131567 | cellular organisms                        | no rank      | 0           | 2875             |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
| 2      | Bacteria                                  | superkingdom | 0           | 2875             | superkingdom: Bacteria                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
| 1224   | Proteobacteria                            | phylum       | 0           | 2875             | phylum: Proteobacteria || superkingdom: Bacteria                                                                                                                                                                                  |
| 1236   | Gammaproteobacteria                       | class        | 0           | 2875             | class: Gammaproteobacteria || phylum: Proteobacteria || superkingdom: Bacteria                                                                                                                                                    |
| 91347  | Enterobacterales                          | order        | 0           | 2875             | order: Enterobacterales || class: Gammaproteobacteria || phylum: Proteobacteria || superkingdom: Bacteria                                                                                                                         |
| 543    | Enterobacteriaceae                        | family       | 2152        | 2875             | family: Enterobacteriaceae || order: Enterobacterales || class: Gammaproteobacteria || phylum: Proteobacteria || superkingdom: Bacteria                                                                                           |
| 561    | Escherichia                               | genus        | 0           | 385              | genus: Escherichia || family: Enterobacteriaceae || order: Enterobacterales || class: Gammaproteobacteria || phylum: Proteobacteria || superkingdom: Bacteria                                                                     |
| 562    | Escherichia coli                          | species      | 0           | 385              | species: Escherichia coli || genus: Escherichia || family: Enterobacteriaceae || order: Enterobacterales || class: Gammaproteobacteria || phylum: Proteobacteria || superkingdom: Bacteria                                        |
| 83333  | Escherichia coli K-12                     | strain       | 0           | 385              | strain: Escherichia coli K-12 || species: Escherichia coli || genus: Escherichia || family: Enterobacteriaceae || order: Enterobacterales || class: Gammaproteobacteria || phylum: Proteobacteria || superkingdom: Bacteria       |
| 511145 | Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655 | no rank      | 385         | 385              | strain: Escherichia coli K-12 || species: Escherichia coli || genus: Escherichia || family: Enterobacteriaceae || order: Enterobacterales || class: Gammaproteobacteria || phylum: Proteobacteria || superkingdom: Bacteria       |
| 620    | Shigella                                  | genus        | 0           | 338              | genus: Shigella || family: Enterobacteriaceae || order: Enterobacterales || class: Gammaproteobacteria || phylum: Proteobacteria || superkingdom: Bacteria                                                                        |
| 622    | Shigella dysenteriae                      | species      | 0           | 338              | species: Shigella dysenteriae || genus: Shigella || family: Enterobacteriaceae || order: Enterobacterales || class: Gammaproteobacteria || phylum: Proteobacteria || superkingdom: Bacteria                                       |
| 300267 | Shigella dysenteriae Sd197                | strain       | 338         | 338              | strain: Shigella dysenteriae Sd197 || species: Shigella dysenteriae || genus: Shigella || family: Enterobacteriaceae || order: Enterobacterales || class: Gammaproteobacteria || phylum: Proteobacteria || superkingdom: Bacteria |


Only generated when running sam2lca analyze with the -b/--bam_out flag

The input alignment file is written as a bam file, with the following extra tags:

  • XT (of type int/i) set to the TAXID of the LCA assigned to the read

  • XN (of type string/Z) set to the scientific name of the LCA assigned to the read

  • XR (of type string/Z) set to the taxonomic rank of the LCA assigned to the read

escherichia_coli_180 355 NC_000913.3 38 1 68M = 148 186 GTGTGGATTAAAAAAAGAGTGTCTGATAGCAGCTTCTGAACTGGTTACCTGCCGTGAGTAAATTAAAA DFFAF?DDHAFEBFHGEHIIIGFBFECBFGDBDF?G@HED?FHGHGE>=;@;@@=D@:5:.;;>:@CC AS:i:0 XS:i:0 XM:i:0 XO:i:0 XG:i:0 NM:i:0 MD:Z:68 YS:i:0 YT:Z:CP XT:i:543 XN:Z:Enterobacteriaceae XR:Z:family

Reads belonging with these tags can be filtered with samtools view like this: samtools view --tag [tag_name]:[value_to_filter] [YOURFILE.bam]

For Example:

  • Reads with the LCA’s TAXID equal to 300267: samtools view --tag XT:300267 aligned.sorted.bam

  • Reads with the LCA’s rank at strain level: samtools view --tag XR:genus aligned.sorted.sam2lca.bam

  • Reads with the LCA’s scientific name being Shigella dysenteriae Sd197: samtools view --tag XN:"Shigella dysenteriae Sd197" aligned.sorted.sam2lca.bam