Source code for sam2lca.main

from sam2lca.parse_alignment import Alignment
from sam2lca.acc2tax import get_mapping
from import get_map_config, acc2tax_default
from sam2lca.lca import compute_lca
from sam2lca import utils
from sam2lca.taxonomy import setup_taxopy_db, load_taxonomy_db
from sam2lca.write_alignment import write_bam_tags
from pathlib import Path
import logging
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
import sys
import os

[docs]def sam2lca( sam, output=None, dbdir=f"{str(Path.home())}/.sam2lca", taxonomy="ncbi", acc2tax="nucl", process=2, identity=0.8, distance=None, length=30, conserved=False, bam_out=False, ): """Performs LCA on SAM/BAM/CRAM alignment file Args: sam (str): Path to SAM/BAM/CRAM alignment file output(str): Path to sam2lca output file dbdir (str): Path to database storing directory taxonomy(str): Type of Taxonomy database acc2tax(str): Type of acc2tax database process (int): Number of process for parallelization identity(float): Minimum alignment identity threshold edit_distance(int): Maximum edit distance threshold length(int): Minimum alignment length bam_out(bool): Write BAM output file with XT tag for TAXID """ nb_steps = 8 if conserved else 7 process = cpu_count() if process == 0 else process Path(dbdir).mkdir(exist_ok=True) avail_taxo, avail_acc2tax = list_available_db(dbdir) if taxonomy not in avail_taxo: f"{taxonomy} taxonomy database is not installed. I'm trying to create it for you" ) setup_taxopy_db( dbdir=dbdir, db_type=taxonomy, ) if acc2tax not in avail_acc2tax: f"{acc2tax} acc2tax database is ls not installed. I'm trying to create it for you" ) get_mapping(map_config=acc2tax_default, maptype=acc2tax, dbdir=dbdir)"Step 1/{nb_steps}: Loading taxonomy database") TAXDB = load_taxonomy_db(dbdir, taxonomy) acc2tax_db = f"{dbdir}/{acc2tax}.db" p = Path(acc2tax_db) if not p.exists(): logging.error( f"\t'{acc2tax_db}' database seems to be missing, please check your inputs" ) sys.exit(1) if not output: output = utils.output_file(sam) else: output = utils.output_file(output) utils.check_extension(sam) al = Alignment(al_file=sam, nb_steps=nb_steps) al.get_refs_taxid(acc2tax_db, TAXDB) read_dict = al.get_reads( process=process, identity=identity, edit_distance=distance, minlength=length, check_conserved=conserved, ) reads_taxid_dict = compute_lca(read_dict, process, nb_steps, taxo_db=TAXDB) taxid_counts = utils.count_reads_taxid(reads_taxid_dict) taxid_info_dict = utils.taxid_to_lineage( taxid_counts, output["sam2lca"], process=process, nb_steps=nb_steps, taxo_db=TAXDB, ) if bam_out: write_bam_tags( infile=sam, outfile=output["bam"], total_reads=al.total_reads, read_taxid_dict=reads_taxid_dict, taxid_info_dict=taxid_info_dict, identity=identity, minlength=length, ) return taxid_info_dict
[docs]def update_database( dbdir=f"{str(Path.home())}/.sam2lca", taxonomy=None, taxo_names=None, taxo_nodes=None, taxo_merged=None, acc2tax="nucl", acc2tax_json=None, ): """Performs LCA on SAM/BAM/CRAM alignment file Args: dbdir (str): Path to database storing directory taxonomy(str): Name of Taxonomy database names(str): names.dmp file for taxonomy database. None loads the NCBI taxonomy database nodes(str): nodes.dmp file for taxonomy database. None loads the NCBI taxonomy database merged(str): merged.dmp file for taxonomy database. None loads the NCBI taxonomy database acc2tax(str): Type of acc2tax database acc2tax_json(str): Path to acc2tax json file """ if acc2tax_json is None and acc2tax is not None: map_config = acc2tax_default elif acc2tax_json is not None: map_config, acc2tax = get_map_config(map_config_file=acc2tax_json) if acc2tax is not None:"* Downloading/updating acc2tax {acc2tax} database ") get_mapping(map_config=map_config, maptype=acc2tax, dbdir=dbdir) if taxonomy:"* Setting up {taxonomy} taxonomy database") setup_taxopy_db( dbdir=dbdir, db_type=taxonomy, nodes=taxo_nodes, names=taxo_names, merged=taxo_merged, )
[docs]def list_available_db(dbdir, verbose=False): """List available taxonomy databases Args: db_dir(str): Path to sam2lca database directory Returns: list: List of available taxonomy databases list: List of available acc2tax databases """ taxo_db = [] acc2tax_db = [] if os.path.exists(dbdir): for file in os.listdir(dbdir): if file.endswith(".pkl"): taxo_db.append(file.split(".")[0]) continue if file.endswith(".db"): acc2tax_db.append(file.split(".")[0]) continue if verbose:"* Available taxonomy databases: {', '.join(taxo_db)}")"* Available acc2tax databases: {', '.join(acc2tax_db)}") return taxo_db, acc2tax_db else: logging.error(f"* {dbdir} does not exist, please create sam2lca database first") sys.exit(1)
if __name__ == "__main__": sam2lca( sam=f"{Path(__file__).parent.resolve()}/../tests/data/aligned.sorted.bam", conserved=False, tree=f"{Path(__file__).parent.resolve()}/../tests/data/taxonomy/test.tree", mappings="test", process=0, bam_out=True, )